Englishகல்விகுரூப் 2கேள்வி-பதில்டிஎன்பிஎஸ்சியுபிஎஸ்சி

TNPSC- English QandA

hello aspirant,

hope you all doing too good for your future. here our English grammatical questions and answers for you upcoming examinations.


There are three articles. They are a, an, the. ‘a’ and ‘an’ are called indefinite articles and ‘the’ is called the definite article.

1. Call ______ boy standing outside.

a) an

b) the

c) a

d) they

2. Amala gave a coconut to ___elephant.

a) a

b) an

c) the

d) few

3. ___________ Yamuna is a tributory of the Ganga.

a) the

b) an

c) a

d) none

4.The boy ate _____ apple.

a) a

b) an

c) the

d) some

5. ____ earth belongs to the solar system.

a) the

b) an

c) a

d) some

6. ____ bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

a) a

b) the

c) an

d) none

7.Copper is ___ useful metal.

a) an

b) a

c) the

d) few

8. Gopal is not ____ honourable man.

a) the

b) a

c) an

d) good

9. He returned after ____ hour

a) an

b) the

c) a

d) none

10. I met him at ____ temple

a) an

b) a

c) the

d) on


1…..B 2….B 3…..A 4…..B 5……A 6……A 7…….B 8……C 9……A 10….C

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