
Career guidance For students

How to calculate your future in right way?…. 

   Dont think alot guys, Let me gudie you…

I always used to believe that ” great careers do not happen, they are made it’s not about fate, It’s about conviction it’s not a random breakthrough, It’s a committed ability its a planned journey to a dream destination“.

Now coming to the point career, 

  There are one plan to execute to choose a career. In a short term i used to cal it as 3D. 

‘3D’ easy tool and unique one to choose the best career :

    Choosing the right career path is one of the most crucial or critical or essential decision to be made by both the parents and the child jointly. You can’t leave your future on luck, chance or destiny. 

    Though there are various approaches to deciding the right career track, a more scientific approach, which is easier for children and their parents, is the ‘3D approach’. Using this method, you will be able to take precise decisions. This approach entails three steps Discover, Determine, and Decide. 

The first D – Discover 

Discovering that means creating something new towards the right career path which begins with a carefull analysis of your passion, interest, strength, and abilities. At guiding star, we understand these complexities and have developed scientific tools and techniques, backed by well established theories, to help you become aware. Identifying career interests and capability realness and scientifically is an most essential fact to discover your career.

The Next D – Determine 

    When adding on the second D it refers to determining your interest in occupation and aptitude/abilities are measured and determined, it is time to explore the world to find the jobs and shortlist those what you find whether it is matching your career interest and ablities. After shortlisting now the last step.

The Last D – Decide 

  After the shortlist the decision must be regarding the follwing parameters in sequential order to steer clear of any confusion and to arrive at a clear set of maximum of 2 choices: 

  • Occupation:

    The actual jobs content, work environment, industry, career prospects, salary levels etc.., 

  • Instituste: 

    The kind of colleges, the number of available seats, fees involved etc.., 

  • Exam: 

    There are a number of educational courses that have an entrance exam associated. These might need specific preparations including taking up training apart from academics. 

  • Training institutes: 

      Given the plethora of training institutes, choosing the right one is largely dependant on past success data, fees involved,location etc., 

  • Stream and subjects: 

       This would involve choosing relevant subjects such as political science, history, business studies, sociology, or economics. 

With the 3D approach, you can choose a rewarding career that complements your passion and potential. A well-structured approach followed by the right moves can play an extraordinary role in shaping your future.

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